Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices – Köp som bok, ljudbok och e-bok

av Alexey Soshin, Anton Arhipov

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Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices som bok, ljudbok eller e-bok.
Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices

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Rek. pris: 463

Bok / Ebok

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Information om Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices

Här hittar du all information du kan tänkas vilja veta kring Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices. Boken är skriven av författaren Alexey Soshin, Anton Arhipov. Packt Publishing Limited är ansvarigt utgivande bokförlag och därmed de som gav ut boken. Utgivningsdatumet för Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices var 2022-01-21.

Originalspråket som Alexey Soshin, Anton Arhipov skrev och gav ut boken på var . Dess kategoriseras i genren: “Data & IT” och finns i flera olika versioner men dess vanligaste format är Häftad.

Om du är ute efter ISBN-numret för Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices är det: 9781801815727.

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Fakta om boken

  • Boktitel: Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices
  • Författare: Alexey Soshin, Anton Arhipov
  • Genre: Data & IT
  • Förlag: Packt Publishing Limited
  • Utgivningsdatum: 2022-01-21
  • Pris: 463
  • Format: Häftad
  • ISBN: 9781801815727

Vanliga frågor om boken

Vem har skrivit Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices?

Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices är skriven av författaren Alexey Soshin, Anton Arhipov

När gavs Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices ut?

Boken i den här utgåvan gavs ut 2022-01-21.

Var kan jag köpa Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices?

Vi rekommenderar att du köper Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices hos Bokus. Vill du lyssna på boken som ljudbok kan du göra det hos Nextory eller Bookbeat. Ingen ljudbokstjänst har exakt alla böcker i sitt sortiment så kontrollera att just de böcker du vill lyssna på finns hos den du väljer.

Förlagets text om boken:  

Future-proof your applications with best practices and design patterns in Kotlin Key Features Understand traditional and modern design patterns to improve the design of your application Combine the benefits of object-oriented, functional, reactive, and concurrent programming Choose the best microservices architecture and frameworks for your web application Book DescriptionThis book shows you how easy it can be to implement traditional design patterns in the modern multi-paradigm Kotlin programming language, and takes you through the new patterns and paradigms that have emerged. This second edition is updated to cover the changes introduced from Kotlin 1.2 up to 1.5 and focuses more on the idiomatic usage of coroutines, which have become a stable language feature. You'll begin by learning about the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, as well as understanding basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns on your code. The book also provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns, such as Creational, Structural, and Behavioral families, before moving on to functional programming. You'll go through reactive and concurrent patterns, and finally, get to grips with coroutines and structured concurrency to write performant, extensible, and maintainable code. By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have explored the latest trends in architecture and design patterns for microservices. You'll also understand the tradeoffs when choosing between different architectures and make informed decisions. What you will learn Implement all the classical design patterns using the Kotlin programming language Apply reactive and concurrent design patterns to make your application more scalable Discover best practices in Kotlin and explore its new features Understand the key principles of functional programming and learn how they apply to Kotlin Find out how to write idiomatic Kotlin code and learn which patterns to avoid Harness the power of Kotlin to design concurrent and reliable systems with ease Create an effective microservice with Kotlin and the Ktor framework Who this book is forThis book is for developers who want to apply design patterns they've learned from other languages in Kotlin and build reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. You'll need a good grasp on at least one programming language before you get started with this book. Java or design patterns will be particularly useful, but you'll still be able to follow along if you code in other languages.

Utgivande förlag: Packt Publishing Limited